Autumn Macarthur

Real romance, real faith!

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If you use this link to subscribe to a free trial of Kindle Unlimited or to give a gift subscription to KU, you’ll see the current deals available for new members. I’ll also be paid a small bonus by Amazon at no extra cost to you!

Benefits of Kindle Unlimited include:
– Unlimited Access to over 1 Million eBooks including many bestsellers and well-loved authors. You can borrow up to twenty books at a time, and change books as many times as you want!
– Rotating selection of popular magazines,
– Thousands of books with Audible narration,
– Read anytime, on any device with the free Kindle app.

It’s an amazing deal for readers who love to read and go through lots of books! At the time of writing, they were offering the first month free, or the first two months for just 99c or 99p! After the trial period the monthly subscription fee will be charged to the payment method normally used with your Amazon account, unless you cancel sooner. You have the option to cancel your subscription any time.

The free trial link goes to the US Kindle Unlimited sign-up page, but if you live elsewhere and Kindle Unlimited is available in your region, Amazon will offer a link to take you through to your local KU page.

Most of my books are available in Kindle Unlimited, as are many of my author friends. The system is fair to authors as we receive a payment per page read when someone reads and borrows one of our Kindle Unlimited books. The only catch is that we need to make our KU books Amazon only and can’t sell them elsewhere. So if you do take out a subscription, be sure to borrow and read all your favourite authors’ KU books (and hopefully mine, too!).