Ezekiel 11:19,20 – Singleness of heart
And I will give them singleness of heart and put a new spirit within them. I will take away their stony, stubborn heart and give them a tender, responsive heart, so they will obey my decrees and regulations. Then they will truly be my people, and I will be their God.
Dear Lord, help me to love and follow You, and be willing to see if there is anything in my life I’ve made more important than You.
You ordered the people in Ezekiel’s time to set aside their false gods, and look only to You. You promised that if they did, You would bring them home from exile, and You would renew their hearts and spirits.
Please Lord, do the same for me. So many things can become idols when we seek them above all else, when we value anything else higher than You. Even things that can be blessed gifts You can provide, like the desire for human love and marriage, the longing for a child, or seeking after financial success.
All can become worthless little gods, if wanting them gets in the way of me trusting You to bring me what is best for me. So one by one, You’ve smashed them, and I’ve cried and ranted and hardened my heart against You, not realising what a blessing You gave. Now, I see why these things came to me in Your time not mine, or not at all.
Please, make me new in You. Make me tender and responsive. Renew Your Spirit in me. Help me to see what is real and true and lasting.
I want to be Your child, and I want You to be my God and Father. I want You more than these other things I’ve sought. None of them last forever, but You are eternal.
You are faithful and true, and You always keep Your promises.
Thank You for that.
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