Last year, my husband surprised me by challenging me to choose one word to set my intention for the year.
Neither of us can remember the word he chose, but I blogged mine so I have a reminder!
I prayed, and chose “renewal”.
Here’s what I wrote-
It’s the perfect word for me to set as my hope and intention for the coming year. I’ll joyfully embrace that as my theme.
Renewal spiritually, strengthening my relationship with God and allowing Him to make me new, cleanse me of all that separates me from Him and from truly loving others.
Renewal emotionally, as I move away from resentment and self-criticism into love and acceptance.
Renewal physically, as I find His plan for my health through right diet and exercise.
Renewal professionally, as He helps me build my new career of writing to inspire and bring joy to readers.
Renewal in relationships, especially my marriage, as He helps me to come from love and acceptance not criticism and blame.
Probably far more renewals that I don’t even suspect yet.
I feel so blessed by that one simple word.
So, it was the perfect word. God worked powerfully in my life, as I went deeper on this journey of surrender to Christ, handing Him Lordship of all of my life. I’m still such a long way off being perfected! My walk with Him feels like it will always be two steps forward, one step back, thanks to my stubborn self-will. But I can feel how far I’ve allowed Him to bring me in the journey, too.
So, yesterday a friend and I were discussing this year’s word. I asked God, and the word “enough” came to me.
Since then, I’ve prayed over it.
Asked God to help me to seek His will and to serve Him. To show me what He want me to be doing. To help me to feel the word He gave me for the year.
Both enough as in I have enough in material terms, not to look at my book sales and feel disappointed, wanting more instead of trusting that He will provide enough for me.
Also, enough as in trusting that His Grace is sufficient.
But the Lord said, “My grace is all you need. Only when you are weak can everything be done completely by my power.” I Cor 12: 9 ERV
I’ve sought to build up my own strength, using my own power, but that’s not how it works.
His grace is sufficient.
I don’t need to work harder or do more or be more. I can step off the treadmill. All I need to do is to rest in Him and trust in Him. That is enough.
Knowing that is a wonderful blessing.
BTW, my husband’s word for the year is “hope”. 2014 was difficult for him, full of challenges, so I pray he does feel hope, and God’s loving hand in his life.