You know what I’m being like with my life right now?
A little kid on a long car journey.
The first few miles are great because they’re going somewhere and it’s all new and different and exciting and there are things to see out the window.
Then the “Are we there yet?” whining starts and there’s still another 100 miles to go.
“Are we there yet?”
“Are we there yet?”
“Are we there yet?”
Until even the most loving parents are ready to scream.
They can try and show the child the route on the map, try to make them see where they are on the journey and how far there still is to go.
But the child, all she knows is that she isn’t there yet and she wants to be there, not here. Those lines on the map don’t mean much to her, she doesn’t have a grown up enough mind to imagine yet what the map means in road travelled and road still to go.
She still can’t understand why they aren’t there yet and why they have to stay strapped in their car seat and why they can’t stop and play at every pretty destination along the route. Only the parent knows where they are going and why and how long the trip will take and the reason the route is the way it is.
I’m that little girl.
God says, “Trust in Me. Trust that even if you don’t understand, I do. I’ve give you a road map. Travel my route, and you’ll get there faster.”
Thankfully, He never gets impatient when I ask Him for the hundredth time today, “Are we there yet?”