Heavenly wisdom centers on purity, peace, gentleness, deference, mercy, and other good fruits untainted by hypocrisy. The seed that flowers into righteousness will always be planted in peace by those who embrace peace.
James 3:17-18, The Voice
Dear Lord, Your wisdom is far above mine. Help me to seek Your wisdom, the good fruits that will ripen in me as I allow Your Spirit to flower in my life. The Living Bible says, it is “pure and full of quiet gentleness… peace-loving and courteous. It allows discussion and is willing to yield to others; it is full of mercy and good deeds. It is wholehearted and straightforward and sincere.” Those are the fruits I want to see myself producing. Please help me to grow in Your ways and embrace Your peace in my life, no matter how I sometimes sulk and tantrum about not getting my own way. I want peace in my heart. I want peace in my home. I want peace in the world. Help me to plant Your seeds of peace, and grow up wise and mature in You.
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