I’ve been praying a lot lately! Nothing like health issues to turn us to prayer, which I think might be God’s purpose in allowing this to happen.
Today’s prayer:
Show me the right way to live Lord, please. Show me how to live in the present moment, having released the past to You, and leaving the future in Your hands.
My past is gone, but I ask You to cleanse me of all anger, resentment, and negative feelings toward anyone regarding what has happened. I forgive everyone who has wronged me. I forgive myself too, releasing all guilt for anyone I have hurt. I pray that they feel my repentance and sorrow over hurting them, and forgive me. I ask Your forgiveness Lord for the wrongs I have done. I trust that in Jesus’s name, You will forgive, because He paid the price so I could be right with You again. Please Lord, make my past right. Scrub me clean of all wrongdoing and all that is not love. Help me to die to self but to live to You and in You.
And the future, it’s all Yours Lord! Help me to rest it in Your hands and trust that it will unfold as it should. That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have wishes and hopes and dreams, but It does mean I shouldn’t cling on to them. I shouldn’t spent too much time dreaming when I ought to be doing. Help me to dream without being attached to my dreams, knowing that whatever You have planned is even better. Just help me to be open to Your guidance so I don’t do anything to obstruct and mess up Your plans!
Help me to live in the present Lord, doing what I feel and know is Your will. Help me to seek and do Your will even when I don’t want to. Help me to find joy in living Your way, free of the past and knowing my future is in Your hands. Help me to know that You are with me, every moment, guiding and supporting me. Help me to trust that Your will for me is perfect and You will make all things work for good.
Romans 8:28, “We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love Him. These were the people God chose, because that was His plan,” is a wonderful promise! Help me to write that on my heart and hold strong to it. It’s not a promise of a safe easy life, but it is a promise of a GOOD life, a life that is best for us, a life that stretched us, a life that helps us grow in holiness and become the people You created us to be. There can’t be anything better than that, even if growing hurts a little along the way. 🙂
Thank You!
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