1 Corinthians 13:13 Love remains
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Cor 13:13 NIV
Teach me to focus on You Lord, not on the little things. All those little things add up to a life, but putting You and Your love at the centre is what makes them beautiful. Your love is what lifts the thousand little nothings that make up our days, and makes them more, a life lived for You.
Thank You for teaching me how to love. Thank You for teaching me what a good life really means. It’s a life of love, with You at the heart.
Please, help me to remember that, when I get distracted, when non-love takes control, when I forget to put You first, to put Love first. When life starts to feel a struggle, a battle. When all the little nothings become resentments. When other people’s needs become demands, not blessed opportunities to serve You.
I don’t want that. I want to live with You and in You and through You. I want the life of love You promise us. I want to do Your will. I want to know Your joy. I want to be Your mouth and Your hands and Your feet here on earth, so that it truly can become as Heaven. But I’m weak and I forget and I put my own needs first sometimes. A lot of the time.
Forgive me Lord, and help me to forgive myself. Teach me that all I need to do is ask, and You do forgive, You do wash my failures away, You do stand beside me to strengthen me for next time. You still love me, no matter how many times I stumble and fall. You’re there to pick me up again, as soon as I look to You and ask for help.
Thank You for that. Thank You for Your endless grace and mercy. Thank You for Your love. It’s the thing that makes all the difference.
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